Highland Park’s 2024 Electric Vehicle Show, held in conjunction with the City’s Arbor Day Celebration, included 32 cars representing 21 different electric vehicle models plus a new electric bus from our local transit agency. The Show also included electric bikes, charging equipment and information from the Illinois Solar Education Association. We had great conversations with over 300 people who came to learn more about driving electric. Some members of the public were surprised to see that there were so many different models available. The event helped to dispell myths about electric cars, participants helped each other answer EV specific questions and provided tips for road trips and charging.

Offering an EV Show in conjunction with the Arbor Day Event enabled us to reach a wider audience, beyond EV enthusiasts. Staff members from local government agencies stopped by to see vehicles that they are considering adding to their fleets, too. We were not able to offer test rides, but many of these cars are available locally now, so people could narrow down their choices based on what they saw at the show and go to local dealers/showrooms to drive specific cars.

We hope other Go Green groups will consider hosting Drive Electric events in the future.