Action Alert: Bus Electrification

For the past 3 years, Kim Stone has been working with the Transit Electrification Task Force of Climate Reality Project – Chicago Metro Area – to get Pace, the suburban transit agency, to begin electrification of its bus fleet. Pace’s lack of action on electrification is in stark contrast to other transit systems.  Los Angeles has a goal of full fleet electrification by 2030. The CTA in Chicago and MTA in New York City have committed to all electric buses by 2040. California recently committed to all-electric transit buses statewide by 2040. The Quad Cities, Bloomington-Normal, and Peoria, Illinois all have electric buses in their fleets.

Pace plans to purchase 78 diesel buses in the next 3 years, and no electric buses. If purchased, these fossil fuel-powered buses will be on Illinois roads for 12 years (a requirement for federal funding), which is well beyond the 9 years we have to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Diesel buses have serious health impacts.  In a study done in Chicago, it was found that asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease rates were higher along major bus routes and even higher near bus garages. Electric buses eliminate harmful emissions precisely where more sick people live.

Pace needs to move faster to an all electric-fleet future.

Take action and send a message to your Pace Board Representative today to ask that they purchase electric buses instead of the budgeted diesel buses. Please contact the Board before July 20th. The Pace Board meets on July 21, so we would like all Board members to hear from their constituents before then.