Arctic Refuge Drilling: new ruling, new action

On January 6th came the announcement that Track23 of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge would be opened for leasing auction.  The Government will get pennies on the dollar from the oil company that wins the bid.  This news is possible because in 2017 the Congress and Trump administration overturned over 60 years of protection for ANWR.  Now there is a lack of environmental impact statement and inadequate time for public comment.  

Note that this fragile and precious national treasure is home to the Gwitch’in indigenous people.  It is their sacred land and the calving ground for the caribou upon which they have depended for sustenance and economy for so many years.  This tract is also home for bird nesting and polar bear denning.  Let’s do as much as possible to keep it that way for all of our sakes and for future generations. 

Please contact President elect Biden and urge him to keep his promise about defending ANWR.  On Day One he must reverse this ruling to disallow the leasing of this federal land. Click here to take action.