Do you know any teens interested in the environment or journalism, or both? Then please tell them, or their parents, about ICN’s Institute for Environmental Journalism. We’re running two summer journalism courses in July. Each one lasts two weeks. One is in Bar Harbor, Maine, at the College of the Atlantic. The other is in New York City, at The New School.
We are introducing young students to the fundamentals of journalism through coverage of environmental issues. We are working hard to get the word out and would appreciate it if you would forward this email to all the right people you know.
We are already accepting applications. Admissions are on a rolling basis. Limited financial aid is available. So there’s no time to waste.
The sessions will be taught by award-winning journalists, instructors, research scientists and expert guest speakers. We’ll dig into environmental science, environmental justice, climate change and its impact while learning the basics of journalism. Under the guidance of professional reporters, participants will spend the afternoons reporting and producing an original piece of publishable work they will complete by the end of the Institute.
No experience necessary. Just a desire to learn in a community of like-minded eager-to-learn students.
May 15 is the application deadline but if students plan on applying for one of our need-based scholarships, all forms must be submitted by April 15.
To apply: https://insideclimatenews.org/iej-2019
To ask any questions: journalisminstitute@insideclimatenews.org