According to this article, many environmentalists do not vote. The Environmental Voter Project is working to change that. They are working to get environmentalists to vote because that is “… the solution to perhaps the biggest solvable problem the environmental movement has: a lack of voters. There are 10 to 15 million so-called “super-environmentalists” who are registered to vote in this country, but generally don’t. If they voted more consistently, it could change U.S. politics, as candidates from both parties would need to work to win their vote.”
The next election in Illinois is Tuesday, November 6. Early voting starts in most places on October 22. You can vote in person on election day, in person at early voting locations, or by mail. Please check with your local county for details on where and when to vote. If you are not yet registered, please do so today. Be sure to vote the whole ballot — local elections are sometimes won or lost by just a few votes, so your vote really matters in these races. Make a plan to vote and put it in your schedule so you can be a voter!