Go Green Wilmette and the Wilmette Park District will host a Styrofoam recycling collection at the Centennial Recreation Complex, 2300 Old Glenview Rd, Wilmette, at the swimming pool entrance. Collection dates are December 27, 28; January 3 & 4, 8:00 am – 1:00 pm. The collection is free to the public.
Go Green Wilmette will collect and transport the Styrofoam to Abt Electronics (Glenview, IL) for recycling.
White polystyrene, in the form of Styrofoam, is made from oil and is not currently recycled through residential curbside programs. It will not decompose for over 500 years.
Abt’s recycling center has a machine that processes Styrofoam. Abt sells the polystyrene to manufacturers of plastic goods. Reuse of the polystyrene means that less oil is extracted to create new products. Abt accepts clean, white Styrofoam from the public throughout the year.
For questions and to Volunteer, please contact: gogreenwilmetteinfo@gmail.com