Discover the Night!
International Dark Sky Week is a worldwide event promoted by DarkSky International and its local chapter, DarkSky Chicago. The week was started by a Virginia high school student Jennifer Barlow in 2003. In explaining why she started the week, Barlow said; “I want people to be able to see the wonder of the night sky without the effects of light pollution. The universe is our view into our past and our vision into the future. I want to help preserve its wonder.”
Although because of the introduction of unshielded bright LED lights, light pollution has exploded since 2003, the wonder of the night sky without the effect of light pollution remains. Get together with family and friends and go outside at night. Help spread the word about light pollution and the importance of natural dark skies. Stopping and correcting light pollution isn’t just about seeing the few stars that we can still see with our naked eyes. Use the week to also learn about the effects of artificial light at night on human health, our nocturnal wildlife friends, crime and safety, energy waste and global warming.
Discover the Night!