Sustainable Fashion v. Fast Fashion


The average American buys a new piece of clothing every 5.5 days. Our fashion choices affect the people who make the clothes, safe water, clean air, and what goes to the landfill. Learn from Amanda McCarty, host of the Clotheshorse podcast, how to make the best decisions about what you buy and where you buy […]


Go Green Reads: Paddling to Winter: A Couple’s Wilderness Journey

Virtual IL

Julie Buckles and Winnetka native Charly Ray built a wood and canvas canoe together, exchanged wedding vows, and embarked on The Trip, planning to travel 2,700 miles in that canoe to the Arctic Ocean for their honeymoon. In Paddling to Winter, Julie tells the incredible true story of their year-long journey on the Voyageur Highway from Lake Superior in Wisconsin to Wollaston Lake in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. Filled with […]

Your Energy-Smart Home: Decarbonization 101

Skokie Library 5215 Oakton Street, Skokie

Save money, make your home more comfortable, and reduce your carbon footprint. Citizens Utility Board (CUB) and Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation will lead this workshop diving into ways renters and homeowners can access energy efficiency and community solar programs. During this workshop, you will receive information on: Free programs designed to save you energy and money […]


ABC’s of EVs


Vernon Area Public Library is hosting Go Green Highland Park member Jay Futterman, who will be presenting a talk about electric vehicles. EVs are rapidly moving from a niche product to the mass market. They are more fun to drive, better for the planet and can free you from pain at the pump and gas […]

Harms Woods East Workday

Harms Woods – South Harms Road, Morton Grove, IL, United States

If you’re looking for ways to get outdoors in the winter months, what better way to do it than cutting brush and peeling off layers while you warm up in the woods?  To enjoy a beautiful day outdoors and help restore health to our local woodlands, please join us for a restoration work day at […]

CMAP Talks: Planning for climate action at the local level

online IL, United States

Each of northeastern Illinois’ 7 counties and 284 municipalities has a role to play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but not everyone knows where to begin. During this webinar, learn how your community can create a climate action plan and what resources already exist to help you. Join us for a discussion of the tips, […]

Coalition for Plastic Reduction Lobby Day

Springfield, IL

Join CPR for a Lobby Day to support a ban on foam foodware. You will be connected to your legislators so that you can let them know why this legislation is important to you and ought to be passed this session!


Uruguay’s Transformative Climate Change Measures

Virtual IL

WHAT ARE THE TAKEAWAYS FOR THE US FROM URUGUAY’S TRANSFORMATIVE CLIMATE CHANGE MEASURES VIRTUAL on ZOOM Registration Requested HERE Uruguay is an international Climate Change leader which has transformed its energy sector to 90% renewables, planned relocation of vulnerable coastal communities, built climate resilient infrastructure and changed agriculture as well as cattle ranching, for sustainability […]

Harms Woods East Workday

Harms Woods – South Harms Road, Morton Grove, IL, United States

If you’re looking for ways to get outdoors in the winter months, what better way to do it than cutting brush and peeling off layers while you warm up in the woods?  To enjoy a beautiful day outdoors and help restore health to our local woodlands, please join us for a restoration work day at […]

Go Green Illinois meeting

online IL, United States

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