Go Green Illinois meeting
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For more information and registration link, please sign up for our email newsletter on the homepage.
Join us for our next discussion in March, which will be a fun one. Bookseller and environmentalist Jon Grand and economist and environmentalist Craig Witty will lead a discussion of the 1968 article, The Tragedy of the Commons, by Garrett Hardin. The Tragedy of the Commons explains individuals’ tendencies to make decisions based on their […]
Find out how you can save money, make your home more comfortable, and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time. Register HERE David Weaver of Citizens Utility Board (CUB) will explain many ways renters, condo dwellers and homeowners can address climate change through energy-efficiency and cost-saving programs and electrification. Receive information on: Tax credits […]
Learn about the many benefits of gardening with native plants from Monica Buckley, president and owner of Red Stem Native Landscapes. Native gardens are beautiful and always changing throughout the seasons and the years, and Skokie’s Beautification Awards program has established new guidelines to acknowledge the value of using native plants in our community. The […]
Join Barry Draycott of Tech Terra Environmental to learn how to protect our water resources while maintaining a healthy and resilient lawn. Barry founded Tech Terra Environmental in 2005 with his number one goal of providing landscapers, schools and the agricultural industry with the knowledge and wholesale products to help their businesses grow! Tech Terra […]
This Green Shield Certified (GSC) for Landscapes webinar will draw on Bradley Herrick's research of invasive jumping worms. Many species are non-native and, in certain habitats, can be invasive and detrimental to the health of soils, plants, and wildlife. Jumping worms are a new group of earthworms that are spreading quickly in North America and […]
This Green Shield Certified (GSC) for Landscapes and Midwest Grows Green (MGG) Lawn & Land Forum webinar will draw on Dr. Doug Richmond's more than two decades of applied research in insect ecology and management to provide participants with a modern overview of sustainable insect management alternatives for turfgrass systems. The discussion will outline a […]
Learn how the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investment landscape is changing and how you can responsibly plan for more than just your own future. This program will be led by 2 industry experts over Zoom and packed with useful information. Have a question you'd like to see us cover? Send it to gghpinfo@gmail.com. Hosted […]
Free Event. 52 Exhibitors including gardening, composting, solar energy, conservation and more. Recycling: bikes and bike parts, shoes and eyeglasses.
Climate Change & Lake Michigan: 2023 & Beyond | Community Conversation Series Join the New Trier Democrats for an Earth Day panel event, featuring our very own MWRD Commissioner Cam Davis, Mark Wagstaff, senior waterfront engineer at SmithGroup, and Sergio Vargas of the Illinois Environmental Council. Register for this FREE event HERE