Going Green Matters Webinar Series 2021: Composting Options for Everyone


Learn from local experts on the many ways to compost food scraps and yard waste to keep these materials out of landfills.  Hear from experienced composters on how they got started and tips for success.  And if you live in an apartment or condo and think composting is not an option, guess again!  We’ll also […]

Gillson Beach Clean Up

Gillson Park Lake Ave. and Michigan Ave., Wilmette, IL, United States

Join us for a beach clean up at Gillson Beach from 9am – 11am. Look for our table at the south end of the park near the diagonal beachfront parking.  Feel free to come early or stay beyond 11am, but please check in at our table. View the short video we filmed about plastic pollution and our […]

Take Control of your Energy Future – Net Zero New Home Construction


What drives homeowners to build their homes to net-zero energy? Hear from 4 homeowners who attempted to take their new homes to net-zero and learn about their experience so you can help others do it or do it yourself. What does it take to make new projects get to net-zero? What are the costs? Barriers? […]

Traditional Ecological Knowledge


Join Woods and Wetlands for an evening with Jim Denomie from the Bad River Band of Chippewa. A national Indigenous and environmental leader, Jim will be discussing the importance of traditional ecological knowledge, the Indigenous history of the Great Lakes, the Indigenous struggle against fossil fuels in northern Wisconsin, and how environmentalists can support Indigenous […]


Transit Electrification Townhall

online IL, United States

Pace Suburban Bus, dragging its feet on transitioning to electric buses, plans to add 78 damaging diesel buses to its fleet. To learn what you can do to help push Pace toward the electrification of its bus fleet, attend the virtual Town Hall, co-sponsored by Climate Reality Chicago and the Illinois Chapter of the Sierra […]

Gillson Beach Clean Up

Gillson Park Lake Ave. and Michigan Ave., Wilmette, IL, United States

Join us for a beach clean up at Gillson Beach from 9am – 11am. Look for our table at the south end of the park near the diagonal beachfront parking.  Feel free to come early or stay beyond 11am, but please check in at our table. View the short video we filmed about plastic pollution and our […]

Climate Action Plan Launch

online IL, United States

Join @metropolitanplanningcouncil, @mayorscaucus, and @NOAA @NOAAClimate for launch one of the first regional climate plans in the United States: The 2021 Climate Action Plan for the Chicago Region. Created to call municipal leaders to action and developed with support from the @mayors4climate and the @EuropeanCommission, this event will feature climate champions discussing the importance of […]

Cancelled: Go Green Illinois meeting

online IL, United States

This meeting has been cancelled to enable everyone to instead participate in the launch of the regional Climate Action Plan.

Gillson Park Bird Habitat Work Day

Gillson Park Lake Ave. and Michigan Ave., Wilmette, IL, United States

Join Go Green Wilmette for a chance to work on Gillson Park’s beautiful bird habitat. Thanks to our many volunteers for helping us keep this lovely space in great condition. We will have tools available for those who wish to do a bit of habitat maintenance. Please wear a mask and gardening gloves. Watch this […]

2021 Sustainable Yard Tour

Various Locations IL, United States

YARD TOUR MAP NOW AVAILABLE! CLICK HERE FOR THE YARD TOUR MAP Be ready to be inspired by local environmentally conscious gardeners that will be available the day of the tour to share their passion and knowledge of gardening. This garden tour is completely different from traditional garden tours as it is so much more […]