The Story of Plastic, Panel Discussion


An average person consumes a credit card worth of plastic every week. We invite you to watch Emmy nominated, "The Story of Plastic", available for free on YouTube, to learn about the plastic crisis. YouTube link After viewing the movie, REGISTER for an informative panel discussion to learn what you can do to make a […]

Go Green Illinois meeting

IL, United States

Topic: Climate Action Plan Note that the date is one week later than originally planned. Registration is required for this online meeting.

Plastic Wars Discussion


Plastic Wars, a joint investigation from FRONTLINE and NPR, reveals how plastic makers for decades have publicly promoted recycling, despite from almost the beginning privately expressing doubts that widespread plastic recycling would every be economically viable. Join us on November 16 for a discussion of Plastic Wars. This event is co-hosted by Go Green Winnetka, […]


Chase Funds Climate Chaos: Black Friday Action

Independence Park 2000 Central St., Evanston, IL, United States

JPMorgan Chase is the super star of fossil fuel funding.  Last year they financed $51.3 billion in this extraction industry.  The growth of the fossil fuel industry depends on these funds, and there is a grassroots effort sponsored by Stop the Money Pipeline to halt this flow of money into fossil fuel industries.  Stop the […]


Going Green Matters Webinar Series 2021: The ABCs of EVs


The transportation sector is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States and electric vehicles are the way of the future. Automakers all over the world are responding to the growing demand and options for electric vehicles are rapidly expanding. Join EV enthusiast Jay Futterman for an overview of this rapid transformation, […]

Harms Woods East Workday

Harms Woods – South Harms Road, Morton Grove, IL, United States

If you’d like to enjoy a beautiful day outdoors and help restore health to our local woodlands, please join us for a restoration work day at Harms Woods East! We’ll meet in the Harms Woods South parking lot (Groves 1 & 2), which is the first parking lot north of Golf Road (the one shaped […]

The Quiet Transition: Leading by Example in Clean, Quiet Lawn Care


Presented by Quiet Communities Gas-powered land care has brought chronic noise and pollution to neighborhoods across the US, raising concerns about worker health, public health, and the environment. Hear from municipal and government leaders making successful transitions away from gas-powered land care. Discover what it takes to make change happen, the challenges and benefits, the […]


Shelton Park 385 Old Green Bay Road, Glencoe, IL, United States

Decorate yourself, family, dogs, strollers or wagons with lights and things that glow. No candles or open flames, please! Meet at the Shelton Park playground for a surprise presentation then stroll the Green Bay trail to sing songs and celebrate the arrival of longer days.  Festivities will end at the Shelton Park fire pit to […]

6th Annual Winter Solstice Parade of Lights

Shelton Park 385 Old Green Bay Road, Glencoe, IL, United States

Decorate yourself, family, dogs, strollers or wagons with lights and things that glow. No candles or open flames, please! Meet at Glencoe’s Shelton Park playground for a surprise presentation and then stroll the Green Bay trail to sing songs and celebrate the arrival of longer days. Festivities will end at the Shelton Park fire pit […]

Holiday Styrofoam Recycling Collection

Various Locations IL, United States

Monday, December 27, 2021, to Sunday, January 9, 2022 Go Green Wilmette (GGW) is partnering with the Village of Wilmette to host a white Styrofoam recycling collection.  This is an opportunity to recycle block white polystyrene/Styrofoam (PS 6), which cannot be recycled through the Village of Wilmette’s residential Refuse and Recycling Program. Only White Styrofoam […]