Smith Nature Symposium: Essential Water


Join us for the second session in Brushwood Center's live-streamed 37th annual Smith Nature Symposium series. From biochemist Janet Angel’s powerful invention to transform oil spills into food for marine life, to artist Arica Hilton’s art advocacy for the oceans, you will not want to miss their underwater stories of life’s most critical resource. This […]

Recycling and Composting in the Time of Covid


Hear how school systems are proactively responding to the implications of Covid (e.g., increased packaging, eating in the classroom, PPE waste, limitations on partners coming to schools, etc.) by pivoting recycling education, food reuse programs, and collection systems to ensure their programs stay on track during Covid.


Zero Waste School Practices during Covid-19


SGA’s Zero Waste Schools program and school leaders from around the region will exchange ideas and discuss ways to creatively adapt zero waste practices to our new circumstances. The conversation will center around reducing waste from the classroom and food service by adapting prevention, recycling, composting, and food recovery strategies. We’ll also share ways students […]


Smith Nature Symposium: It’s Raining, It’s Pouring


It’s raining, it’s pouring, there’s no time for snoring. The global implications of climate change reverberate in our homes and communities in the form of floods, impacted ecosystems, and increased public health threats. Join this dynamic conversation to learn how we collectively address these challenges. Ticket prices are very affordable and designed to be “give […]

Go Green Illinois meeting


Topic: Having difficult conversations/talking with people with different views. To register for the meeting and receive the zoom link, click here. Prior to the meeting, please watch one or both of these TED talks: Katharine Hayhoe TED Talk J. Marshall Shepherd TED Talk 

Unleash the Protein Power of Veggies!

How do you add more vegetables to your diet without worrying about getting enough protein? Certified Health Coach Evey Schweig will demonstrate how vegetables are a great source of protein! Evey will explore which vegetables are particularly high in protein, how to maximize protein content using food combinations, and simple preparation techniques. Recipes will be […]

Smith Nature Symposium: Renewable Energy Surges


During the COVID-19 crisis, the fossil fuel industry crashed while clean energy remained both economically and environmentally resilient. Transitioning to renewable energy is critical to solving the climate crisis and addressing environmental injustices linked to fossil fuel pollution. llinois ranks second in the Midwest for installed renewable power capacity. This roundtable will explore the future […]

Community Solar Webinar


If you can’t put solar panels on your own home, but want to support 100% renewable energy in Illinois with no upfront investment, you can now subscribe to a community solar project. You can save money while also supporting local renewable energy. Learn more about community solar and what it means for you living in […]

Lend a Hand on the Green Bay Trail

Shelton Park 385 Old Green Bay Road, Glencoe, IL, United States

The Friends of the Green Bay Trail sponsors trail work days several times a month from 9-11 a.m. Meet at the Trail's Harbor St. entrance, just east of Green Bay Rd. in Glencoe. Restoration and stewardship work varies.  Long pants and closed toe shoes are recommended.  Bring  reusable gloves, clippers, bug spray and a mask.  […]


Say Yes to Canning


​Chef Mike Koerner, owner of Chez Mikey, will demonstrate his delicious and nutritious side dishes as he unveils valuable tips on how to can your summer harvests for your winter and spring dinners. He also will provide hands-on advice on canning that can easily be done at home. Please RSVP by September 14 to for the zoom […]