STRAWS Movie Screening

Winnetka Congregational Church 725 Pine Street, Winnetka, IL, United States

Join passionate local junior high school students and Go Green Winnetka for a screening of STRAWS, a 33-minute award-winning documentary on the devastating impacts of plastic straws and other single use plastics ... and how we can all be a part of positive change. Appropriate for all ages. Discussion will follow screening.


Biking and walking suburban advocacy summit

Elmhurst Public Library 125 S Prospect Ave, Elmhurst, IL, United States

Want to see better walking, biking and transit in your community? Attend the suburban advocacy summit on October 27 to dig into the tools to increase your effectiveness as an advocate.

Community Action & Stewardship for A Healthy Planet

North Shore Unitarian Church 2100 Half Day Road, Bannockburn, IL, IL, United States

Come and learn how we can promote a healthy balance between Humanity & Nature. Find out why this is critical to our future. Help us develop an organization that creates an action-based program to store huge amounts of carbon and stormwater in our soil and plants. The focus will be on municipal, religious, and like-minded […]


Wilmette Wine Cellar 1100 Central Ave., Wilmette, IL, United States

Please join Go Green Wilmette for our 3rd annual Sip Red, Go Green event – to celebrate all the ways we have been “going green” for the past 12 years. For more information and to purchase tickets, click here.

Go Green Reads 

The Book Stall IL, United States

The Go Green Reads discussion group meets to discuss The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate–Discoveries from a Secret World. Drawing on groundbreaking new discoveries, New York Times bestselling author Peter Wohlleben presents the science behind the secret and previously unknown life of trees and their communication abilities.

Go Green Illinois meeting

Chicago Botanic Garden 1000 Lake Cook Road, Glencoe, IL, United States

The topic for our November 13th Go Green Illinois meeting is “Taking the Guesswork Out of Solar.” The goal is to give attendees the information they need to promote solar in their communities. If you plan to attend, please let us know.

Sustainable Nation!

Evanston Century Cinemark Theatres 1715 Maple, Evanston, IL, United States

There will be an exclusive pre-release screening of Jerusalem U’s upcoming film Sustainable Nation!  on Wednesday, November 14th at the Evanston Century Cinemark Theatres. Sustainable Nation follows three Israeli innovators who are taking valuable lessons learned in water-poor Israel to the rest of the world.  From using plants to clean waste water to a computer system that […]

STRAWS Screening

Kenilworth Union Church 211 Kenilworth Ave., Kenilworth, IL, United States

Join us for a free screening of this short documentary about the impact of plastic straw litter on the community.


Gorton Community Center 400 E. Illinois Road, Lake Forest, IL, United States

Coastal geologic change occurs across time from minutes to millennia and is driven by a variety of processes, including waves, water levels, and ice. Dr. Ethan Theuerkauf will explore these processes and dynamics of coastal geologic change along Western Lake Michigan. The mechanisms and implications of coastal change will be discussed as well as the […]

STRAWS Screening & Discussion

Wilmette Public Library 1242 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, IL, United States

Nov 27th @ 1 pm or Nov 29th @ 7 pm Join us for this short and compelling documentary and then stay to discuss how we can reduce plastic consumption in our community. See trailer here: