Metropolitan Mayors Caucus Energy Efficiency Project – Funding Available

Funding is available for projects that save energy! The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus Public Sector Energy Efficiency Program (PSEE) provides funding and technical assistance to help local governments update and retrofit public facilities and/or streetlights to improve energy efficiency and save money.

Click here to apply! For more information, please contact Brian Tomkins at or 312-201-4508.

Municipalities, park districts, libraries, schools, townships, and other local governments throughout the ComEd®, Nicor Gas, Peoples Gas, and North Shore Gas services areas are invited to participate. As a result of the Future Energy Jobs Act, the public sector energy efficiency program, formerly a part of Illinois Energy Now, is now offered through our partnership directly with these utilities. This program will end December 31, 2017.

Grant reimbursements can be up to $300,000 per facility location. Project support and technical assistance is free. To learn more, visit our website.