The Village of Glenview and the Environment & Natural Resources Commission are encouraging residents to participate in a new “No Mow ‘Til Mother’s Day” initiative.
This program invites residents to avoid mowing their lawn – or a portion of their lawn – through the first week of May to help support the local ecology, the habitats of pollinators and area wildlife.
Broad adoption of the initiative would have many beneficial effects on the environment, says Dr. Alan Molumby, Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Illinois-Chicago and director of Woodworth Prairie in Glenview. Molumby adds that rabbits, bees and flies would all benefit from a reduction in mowing, and lawns would likely require less water and fertilizer.
Glenview residents who wish to participate in the program can sign up via the online form linked here.
Once registered, residents will receive a lawn sign and be exempt from lawn mowing code enforcement through Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 8. The lawn sign must be visible from the street and placed on private property (avoid placing signs in parkways — the space between the sidewalk and the street).
Signs can be picked up at Village Hall after registering. Please call the Village at (847) 724-1700 if special accommodation is needed.
Regular lawn care code enforcement will resume one week after Mother’s Day. Residents may choose to designate their entire lawn or a portion of their lawn to the no-mow event, which would still benefit the local ecology.
To learn more about how we can help pollinators, check out helpful info from the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.