Sharing Events and Information

Part of the reason we set up this website was to share information and events, and we need your help. All posts are reviewed prior to appearing on the website, and we do that every week or two. Don’t panic if you don’t see your event right away, but please don’t post events at the last minute. Please limit posts to environmental events that take place in Illinois.
To post an event, please follow these steps:
1. Click on Submit Event at the top left of your screen.
2. That will take you to a form where you fill in the event title and description.
3. Select an Event Category by checking the appropriate box in the next section.
4. Click Choose File under Select an Image, and drag and drop an image for your event. If you have no image, you may skip this step.
5. Fill in the date and time in the next section.
6. For Venue, there is a dropdown box. Click on the arrow and scroll down to select the event location, or to create a new location. If you are adding a new venue, please fill in details.
7. Organizer Details also has a dropdown box, so click on the arrow and scroll down to select the organizer.
8. If there’s a website with event information, put that address in at the event website section.
9. If there is a cost for the event, fill it in at the cost section. If it’s free, leave event cost blank.
10. Review your work. Please be sure that you have put the information into the proper fields. Do not duplicate information – for example, don’t include the date and time in the text since that information should be in the date and time fields.
11. Click on the blue Submit button at the bottom of the page. If you do not click this button, your event will not post, so do not leave the page until you have done that.
If you’d like to post about a topic, rather than a time specific event, you may do so using the Submit a Post button and following the instructions. Use the contact us link if you have any problems or questions. Thanks for your help keeping this site useful!