Shedd the Straw

Go Green Wilmette and Go Green Winnetka are supporting the Shedd Aquarium’s “Shedd the Straw” campaign to reduce Chicagoland’s use of plastic straws, which harm birds and marine life and contribute to aquatic and soil pollution. Americans use about 500 million plastic straws a day – the same weight as 1,000 cars! Plastic straws do not biodegrade, they break down into smaller and smaller micro-plastic bits, which means that almost every straw that has ever been used still exists, in some form, on the planet. Micro-plastics are in our food chain. You can help by not purchasing plastic straws for home use and by telling your server that you do not want a straw whenever you order a drink. Ask your favorite restaurant to join Shedd Aquarium’s “Shedd the Straw” campaign. Learn more at