Tag: decarbonization

Rethinking Cooking (and Heating) with Gas

“Decarbonization”—the transition away from burning fossil fuels—has become a buzzword in environmental circles. But what exactly does it entail, why is it crucial, and what immediate and long-term steps can we take...

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Your Energy-Smart Home: Decarbonization 101

Save money, make your home more comfortable, and reduce your carbon footprint. Citizens Utility Board (CUB) and Bickerdike Redevelopment Corporation will lead this workshop diving into ways renters and homeowners can access...

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GGIL Meeting Videos

Our virtual meetings are now recorded! If you’ve missed a live meeting, or want to experience one again, check our YouTube page. The most recent video is also below.

Speakers and start times include:
(5:38) Jacquelyn Casazza of Go Green Glen Ellyn – Introduction
(11:16) Fawkes Char of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on pfas
(32:40) Alexis Goldsmith of Beyond Plastics on plastic and recycling issues
(52:08) Patricia Wood of Grassroots Env. Education on plastic grass/turf
(1:05:00) Bernadette Knight of Go Green Northbrook and Joel Freeman of Climate Action Evanston on bag fees/taxes
(1:16:00) Liz Kunkle of Go Green Winnetka – Legislative Update
(1:21:00) Lauren Webb of Recycle Coach