The transportation sector accounts for about one third of all greenhouse gas emissions (ghg) in the US. If we are to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we must move quickly to reduce transportation emissions. Electrification of transportation has the added benefit of improving regional air quality in addition to significantly reducing ghg emissions.
Governor Pritzker has stated that Illinois will lead on climate, “As long as I am governor, Illinois will continue to be at the forefront in the fight against climate change.” However, the data shows otherwise.
While Governor Pritzker has been successful in bringing Electric Vehicle and battery manufacturing to Illinois, he has not put in place strong goals for electrification of vehicles. The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) ranked Illinois 21st on it’s 2022 State Transportation Electrification Scorecard. Illinois is one of a few Democratically controlled states that has not yet adopted the Advanced Clean Cars II and Advanced Clean Trucks Rules. These rules put in place increasing standards for vehicle sales by manufacturers while also requiring reporting by fleet owners and large employers. The specific annual goals included in these rules would increase the number of zero emission vehicles in the state to meet these targets.
You can contact the Governor’s Office here and ask that he take the necessary steps for Illinois to adopt the Advanced Clean Cars II and Advanced Clean Trucks Rules immediately. These rules would reduce ghg emissions, improve air quality, and lower fuel costs for Illinois’ vehicle owners — there is no downside, and urgent action is needed to address the climate emergency.