Working to Increase Pollution?

While most of us have been focused on the global Covid-19 pandemic, the Trump administration has been working to make the air dirtier. Over the past week, they have taken 2 actions to increase pollution. The first was EPA’s announcement that they would suspend enforcement of environmental regulations. The job of the US EPA is to enforce environmental regulations. There is no logical reason why EPA cannot continue to do their job, and no reason why polluters cannot continue to monitor their emissions as their operations continue. In addition, this action will disproportionately harm communities that already suffer from health ailments due to pollution, making them more susceptible to complications from the Covid-19 virus. As if this weren’t enough, the US EPA and Department of Transportation also decided to rollback clean car standards. These standards save consumers money at the pump while reducing air pollution and emissions of greenhouse gases. Both of these moves will increase air pollution at a time when there is a virus in our communities that impacts people’s lungs. These rollbacks of environmental protections are misguided. Why would anyone be working to increase pollution at this time of pandemic?